스나군 작업실

FreeIMU: a libre 9DOM/DOF inertial measurement unit 본문

쿼드캅터 제작기/AHRS/IMU

FreeIMU: a libre 9DOM/DOF inertial measurement unit

스나군 2012. 1. 14. 18:23
원본 : http://www.varesano.net/projects/hardware/FreeIMU

Demonstration of FreeFlight IMU V1.1

FreeFlight IMU is an open source i2c 9DOF with Pressure sensor. Onboard is a ITG3200 Gyro, BMA180 Accel, HMC5843 Magnetometer and BMP085 pressure sensor plus a TPS71733 linear LDO regulator!

It is designed to be part of stabilisation setup for RC flying vehicles, like Multirotor Helis and FPV planes:


Thanks to Fabio Varesano for the sensor GUI and sensor Fusing Algorithms: http://www.varesano.net/

FreeFlight IMU modification of GUI software by Cass3825. Board assembly by Area52 MosFet´s: http://www.area52mosfets.com/

'쿼드캅터 제작기 > AHRS/IMU' 카테고리의 다른 글

Open Source IMU and AHRS algorithms  (0) 2012.01.14