스나군 작업실

Open Source IMU and AHRS algorithms 본문

쿼드캅터 제작기/AHRS/IMU

Open Source IMU and AHRS algorithms

스나군 2012. 1. 14. 18:19
원본 : http://x-io.co.uk/node/8

In 2009 Sebastian Madgwick developed an IMU and AHRS sensor fusion algorithm as part of his Ph.D research at the University of Bristol. The algorithm was posted on Google Code with IMU, AHRS and camera stabilisation application demo videos on YouTube. The algorithm received thousands of downloads but the code project was never maintained or updated. All resources are now provided and maintained here. The algorithm source code is available in C, C# and MATLAB. The source code also includes Madgwick's implementation of Robert Mayhony's 'DCM filter' in quaternion form.


User contributions


3D orientations are commonly represented using rotation matrices and Euler angles. Quaternions offer an alternative representation that is computational more efficient than rotational matrices and is not subject to the problem of a singularity (AKA gimbal lock) that can make an Euler angle representation hazardous. The resources below include a document summarising this use of quaternions and an accompanying MATLAB library.
