스나군 작업실

OpenCV-JavaCV : eclipse project configuration windows 7 본문


OpenCV-JavaCV : eclipse project configuration windows 7

스나군 2012. 1. 4. 20:35
원문 : http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.com/2011/12/opencv-javacv-eclipse-project.html

Eclipse (windows 7) project setup for JNA wrapper of OpenCV : JavaCV - getting started.

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is library of programming functions for real time computer vision.  JavaCV provides wrappers to commonly used libraries for OpenCV and few others.

Download the Essentials :

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) (If your system is 64 bit)

1) Install both Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages
2) Extract OpenCV-2.3.1-win-superpack.exe inside the root directory C:\
3) Configure path: Add the following environment variables in system path
64-bit version of the JDK:
32-bit version of the JDK:
4) Extract the javacv-bin-20*.zip and add the .jar files (match with the version of your system) to build path of eclipse project.
5) If Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributables are not previously installed, download them.

Creating eclipse project:
  1. If the above installations are correctly done and environment variables are set properly... 
  2. Create a java project on eclipse as usual and don't forget to add the .jar to build path (described in step 4 above)...
  3. Goto http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.com/2011/12/javacv-image-load-smooth-and-save.html for test code
  4. Run the project..
  5. Everything should work fine..


#Don't forget to see posts about JavaCV and Image Processing here : http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.com/search/label/OpenCV-JavaCV
and http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.com/search/label/Image%20Processing